Monday, September 23, 2013

Inventing our stories

From the moment we are born we begin to build up a story around ourselves – some stories we make up ourselves and some are told to us by adults.. We tell ourselves that we are not musical, that we have certain fears, that the teacher says we are lazy’..and so the damage begins. By the time we are at the vulnerable teenage stage the combination of lack of self- esteem and changing hormones make us doubt ourselves and our abilities.


Throughout our lives we tend to think and process information in the same old way. We create a condensed view of the world that our brains have invented. Thoughts create neural pathways and the more we use the same pathways, the more engrained that way of thinking becomes. So whether you want to become thinner, happier, richer….you need to create new ways of thinking and make new neural pathways or nothing can change. If you tell keep telling yourself that you are lazy or you are a failure, how CAN you change? You ingrain that story every single day when in actual fact all it is is a story. A Story that you have written and which you continue to rewrite day after day after day. You have to make a conscious choice to leave it behind and write yourself a new story.


If you are nervous of public speaking don’t go into a meeting saying to yourself ‘damn I hate public speaking’. Pretend to yourself that you LOVE public speaking, that its exciting and challenging. Your brain will respond to that pretence, and it will inevitably become real. Didn’t you ever pretend that you were too sick for school? And if you pretended for long enough that you had a stomach ache you would GET a stomach ache? Your brain responds to messages that you tell it. So instead of letting it respond to all those negative stories you tell it, let it respond to positive ones. It WILL respond in a positive way.


To begin with, promise yourselves that this week, whenever you use a negative phrase you will stop yourself. Start changing your story. Get rid of phrases such as ‘I have always been afraid of spiders’, or ‘my whole family over- eat’ or ‘I will never get over my fear of public speaking’. Release yourselves from your illusions.
Listening to the downloads will help to relax you into a state of such relaxation that it becomes easier to accept new ways of thinking

The wonderful mystery of quantum physics

We live within, and are part of, an energetic field of infinite possibilities. Wherever your life is right now, the potential for change is literally all around you. Quantum physics tells us that there is an invisible energy force, or field of infinite possibilities. We are not matter, we are continually moving waves of energy in a field of pure potentiality. How exciting is that?? No limits, no boundaries – the ability to go in any direction you choose.. It’s not only wishful thinking to imagine our best lives, it’s imperative that we visualise our lives unfolding in positive, meaningful ways in order for them to do so.

Dream big!

Visualizing successful outcomes for your life is not airy fairy nonsense, it actually does directly influence the outcome of your life. If you visualise yourself in a few years’ time and you expect to be 20 kilos overweight, alone and broke then how can you lead a life that will take you to being the right weight, happy and successful? You need to visualize yourself living the best life imaginable, and then live your life towards that image.

If there is so much potential in each and every second, then doesn’t it make complete sense to visualize and choose the best, most positive elements of each second?

The most important thing to let go of, once and for all, is fear. What an unnecessary, limiting, emotion that is. It darkens our choices and limits our potential. Live your lives courageously and spontaneously. 

You are meant to live amazing, positive, healthy, wondrous lives. You have something unique to offer to this world, and from this moment on you can begin to live meaningful, fruitful lives. You don’t have to stay anchored in the weight of this present moment.

Using deep relaxation to make important life changes

The amazing world of neuroplasticity

Scientists now know that the brain is not an unchangeable structure as was previously thought. We now know that your brain is ‘plastic’ and this means you have the ability to learn, unlearn and relearn. This is fantastic news as it means that we are not trapped in all those old habits that we thought we couldn’t change.

The changing of our brains happens with one simple process, the changing of our thoughts. Whatever we focus on will expand and grow. Such a simple sentence but so very important. Watch your thoughts, focus on what you really want, and you will see how inevitably that is what flourishes and grows.

Guided meditation helps to take you to such a deep level of relaxation that you mind becomes more suggestible to new, positive ideas. Once these new ideas are taken on board, and you clearly visualize what your life can be, it’s much easier to implement these ideas in your daily life.

Even 4000 years ago, deep meditation was used as a cure

Using hypnosis/ deep meditation is not a new idea. Did you know that even 4000 years ago the Egyptians created places called Sleep Temples where people could go when they were feeling disturbed? In these temples, special priests would use techniques to guide patients into states of deep relaxation which was thought to cure them of their problems. So really the beginning of using deep relaxation to inspire positive change was the first known physician, the Egyptian Imhotep.

Later in Greece, about 500BC, sleep temples were constructed as places of great healing, where people would be put into a deep state of relaxation to be helped with their problems.

Our downloads will help to guide you in the very same way – using deep relaxation to help create a healthier, happier lifestyle

Use deep relaxation to take positive control of your life

When we are quiet and relaxed, it is so much easier for our brains to find clarity. These programs help you attain a deep level of relaxation and peace.

New and exciting research on the connection between mind and body as it relates to health has deep relaxation and meditation techniques on the leading edge of new frontiers. People are realizing that these gentle, non-invasive techniques have long lasting, positive effects. When you are deeply relaxed, your body is beautifully relaxed yet your mind is extremely alert. This creates the ideal state in which to introduce positive and constructive ideas for a healthier and more focused lifestyle. It is a perfectly natural and familiar state, one which you will have felt many times before, while daydreaming or watching a movie.

Mindspring programs help to guide you easily and peacefully to deeper states of relaxation

To enable your mind to let go of preconceptions and fears, and allow it to open up to new and exciting experiences The purpose of the programs is to help you understand and get more control over your behavior, habits, physical health and emotions. Remember that you were born to be the very best you can be - the most relaxed, balanced, peaceful, joyful and healthy version of yourself that exists.

Dealing with stress in a modern world

The human body has a beautifully intricate system that is struggling to cope with the stresses of modern life. Our caveman brothers and sisters had stress in their lives that only lasted a few seconds - kill the prey in front of them, or be eaten. Their adrenal glands released the ‘fight or flight’ hormones adrenalin and cortisol and within a couple of minutes, danger passed and their systems returned to normal. We no longer have that luxury; stress stretches out in front of us like an interminable black cloud. Taxes, mortgage, long work hours, global financial crisis - we simply were not built to deal with such ongoing, seemingly never ending stress, and the lingering high levels of stress hormones take a toll on all aspects of our lives. In an effort to cope we smoke, drink, over eat, work longer hours and sleep less.

Instead of gaining control, we are giving it away

These downloads are designed to help you gain control over the stress that is adversely affecting your brain and body - and it's easier than you may think. One of the biggest factors of stress is feeling out of control, feeling helpless to change. You start to believe that that anxiety, depression, insomnia and worry is part of normal life and although you dream of a time without all these debilitating stresses, it seems out of reach. The only answer is to change the way you think. Every single choice we make, everything we feel, stems from a message from the brain, so let’s make sure we are giving it the best message possible.

The importance of real relaxation

The first thing to do on this journey, no matter your ultimate goal, is to learn to make time to relax deeply. Whether you want to call this practice mediation, self-hypnosis, deep relaxation - the name does not matter, it’s just a word. Forget the name, forget out - of - date labelling and just be quiet with yourself. The downloads will guide you into deep relaxation and then help you to focus on specific goals, readjusting the incorrect messages that your brain has learnt in the past.

Once in a deeply relaxed stated, you have set the ‘stage’ for new learning

For enabling the brain to accept new attitudes and coping mechanisms. Your brain CAN be changed so that it does not look for its solutions in smoking, overeating...etc. It never finds solutions in destructive habits, it merely looks for them. Let’s teach your brain how to become calm, resilient, peaceful – no matter the outside stimulus. And from that point of calm you can approach your life with new focus, strength and positivity.